昆明美凯龙Kunming Red Star Macalline

——参数化设计新城市综合体 New urban complex in parameterization design






    BLOCK business street ideal is to arrange plane flexibly and enlarge the surrounding size. Layers of back set make BLOCK more vertical and value than traditional one.

    Valley stone, the natural sign is drawn on. Interesting business street is made by modern design. It will be the fashion, modern and high-end unique shopping mall.


    ▽沿街透视图,Perspective along the street


     ▽ 总平面图,site plan



    ▽ 平面图,Floor Plan





    Streamline visitors line is connected by air corridor between each building. It shortens the walking distance and extends inner space. It is an entirely new world inside the shopping mall. 



    ▽ 中庭透视,The atrium perspective 




    ▽ 鸟瞰图,birdview 




    项目名称: 昆明美凯龙

    客户: 昆明红星美凯龙商业发展有限公司

    项目类型: 城市综合体

    项目规模: 849,276m2

    项目位置 : 昆明

    规划团队:  BLUETEAM

    参与者: 庞博 张燕杰 李元焱

    建设进度: 建设中


    Name of project: Kunming Red Star Macalline

    Client: Kunming Meikailong Commercial Development Co. Ltd.

    Type: Commerce

    Size: 849,276m2

    Location : China Kunming

    Planning Leader:  BLUETEAM


    Status: Under  Construction


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    Project Label/项目标签

    Design/设计: BlueTeam

    Location/位置:昆明  Kunming

    Type/类型:城市综合体Library ExhibitionLabel/

    标签 :参数化设计 Parametric design

    Status/ 建设进度:建设中 Under Construction


© Blue Architects